How It Works
Discounted Composting Offer
WyoFarms Composting is currently offering a special deal for discounted drop-off residential composting! When you purchase $20 or more of Haderlie Farms food, herbal products, or soap items on FarmMatch you will receive a $4.75 credit to your account for composting services. Having you use our composting services and purchase our food items helps us acheive our goal of operating a local “closed loop composting system“.
Composting Benefits
Join Other Happy Composters Today!
Did you know that a third of the food scraps generated in the United States come from homes?

Food should be sacred, because food is life. With WyoFarm Composting we no longer have food waste, but rather the ingredients for healthy soil to continue the circle of life. WyoFarm makes it so easy to do the right thing from purchasing local produce, which allows use to nourish our community, to composting which will enrich the soil and earth.

Häagen-Dazs began composting this past summer. One more step for us in becoming more sustainable as a small business. WyoFarms Composting makes it very easy to compost. They brought us a container and it is emptied every week.

Haderlie Farms has helped the hospital achieve a higher diversion rate, decrease our carbon footprint and save money over landfilling non-edible food waste.

We love using the WyoFarm Composting at Roadhouse Brewing Co. because it’s a convenient way to remove our spent grain as a brewery and be sustainable to the environment. It’s an all around win for everyone!
We will continue being a part of this great relationship and doing our part to preserve Mother Earth.

We’ve been working with WyoFarm Composting for nearly two years to scale up the largest commercial food waste composting operation in Wyoming. They have been an amazing, forward thinking partner in our journey toward zero waste. They have brought such value to our community in helping create and keep resources local. I love the work they do and wholeheartedly believe in their full circle approach to reduce waste and grow the local food economy

So easy and convenient! It really cuts down on the amount of trash we send to the landfill. The screw-on lid for the bucket keeps things tidy and odor-free too.

Oink, oink.